Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Central Albania in Early Summer 2023

Central Albania 

Early June, 2023

In the last few years I have been fortunate enought to have had several trips to Albania. I just came back from a resarch trip on the Osum and Devoll River σ(Seman Basin) - between Korce, Berat and Fieri during early June 2023. 

Some quick thoughts after hundreds of hours outdoors, assessing river and riparian zones and birding. 

The landscape vegetation is bouncing back after much abandonment during the last 25+ years. Grazing though seems to be totally abandoned in some places, not good...

Small traditional living villages do survive but they are small. 

Big mammals are comming back slowly. 

Raptors are scarce, perhaps poisons are being used. 

River riparian zone alteration and water pollution problems are severe in many places. Some vegetation come-back after abandonment in riparian zones is starting-up - especially during the last 20 years. 

More tourists are visiting Albania, Berat was nearly over-run by tourists during my stay in early June. I'll be back soon and will report on more. 

Photos and drone photos by me and Dimitris Zogaris.